Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Working Together

Hello to all!!

Recently we've been having some issues with "working together".  My favorite book is The Crayon Box That Talked and it is about this box of crayons having to work together to make this beautiful picture.   The kids loved the book!!!  They wanted to read it several times so at the end of the year I'll read it again and see if this activity goes a little smoother but for now here's what happend!

The paper was not big enough for all 21 of us to lay around and color so we had to come up with a way to "share" the paper.  Some kids came up with really great ideas, while others just wanted to color.  The first was to take turns by letting some kids stay.  But we couldn't decide who got to stay and who had to wait. 

Then someone came up with the girls make a line on one side and the boys go to the other and wait in turn.  This worked for a little while and we did come up with a very colorful picture which we can see when it stays on the wall of our room! 

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