Friday, January 28, 2011

100th Day of School!

Greetings to all of you blog readers!  Another week has sure flown by in Kinder #9.  The students have been waiting and counting down the days for this past week because we had our 100th day of school!  There was a lot of work we did to prepare for this day including our counting to 100 which we do everyday! 
Here are some photos of the students working on their hats.  For their hats, I had them cut out the number 100 which they could color any way they wanted to.  The hardest part was they had to write as many numbers as they could with the given time.  I had quite a few who wrote to 100 and wore it proudly on their hats!!

Back:  Alexis, Pablo, Skyler, Allen, Patrick, Cindy, Ojem
Middle:  Daniel, Faith, Tatiana, Joseph, AJ, Angel
Front:  Justin, Hailey, Tiffany, Anahi, Kyli

Luckily most of the students had come back on this day for our "party" which consisted of the kindergarten classes rotating to four different centers which included things with 100.  We had  Snack, Exercise, Block, and Puzzle Centers set up and the students really enjoyed them! 

Here is a picture of all the kindergarten classes at the end of the day waiting to see who has been at school all 100 days.  Sadly no one from my class has been there the whole time, but it was neat to see how many had been there. 

And to leave you...a video!!  We can count to 100!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is adorable! I love all the 100 day activities you did. I also LOVE the video. Good work, Miss Mills!
