Sunday, December 4, 2011

Boehm Concepts and Winter Assessments

The assessment process and skills checking has begun in our room!  We are doing much better at the Boehm Test that the parents and I talked about in October.  The top missed this time around by 8 or 9 out of 19 students were:










We will be working on these in class during our question of the day and starting in small group in January!  If you could help me and your student out by working on using these at home that would be wonderful!

I am also starting skills check.  I will be assessing numbers, letters, sounds, rhyming words, sight words, patterns, counting, knowledge of graphs, healthy habits, colors, shapes.  Its never tooo late to start practicing at home if you haven't! 

Also keep sending the take home books back!  We had a lot of students recieve the skating pass!  If you student didn't get it, there are still 5 months that you can do so they get the movie pass at the end of the year! 

***Another note:  Its officially winter.  Please make sure that you are sending your child in BOOTS, SNOWPANTS, WINTER COATS, HATS, GLOVES, and warmer clothing!  It is tooo cold to not have these items!!!

Thank you readers for taking the time to read this lengthy, no-pictured post! 

Have a GREAT week!
Miss Mills

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