Sunday, December 4, 2011

Healthy Living

Within the last couple weeks, we have been learning about ways to take care of ourselves by ourselves.  We learned about the food groups and which foods are healthy for us.  Lately we have been learning about teeth.  We have been talking about what we can do to keep our teeth healthy for the rest of our lives.  This includes brushing, flossing, eating good foods, and going to the dentist!  Look for all of those activities to come home in the saddlebag tomorrow!  On this day we had an "experiment" from our science unit to go along with our books about healthy snacks.  We made and tried two healthy snacks then voted on them.   The first snack was the celery logs.  They looks like this!....

The next snack was our Apple Lips.  It was two apple slices with peanut butter in the middle and marshmellows that were the teeth.  This was also delicious!
Here were the results from our Healthy Snack Graph!

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